Non-Financial Statement
The Consolidated Non-Financial Statement, now in its 7th edition and for the second time combined with the Annual Financial Report, serves to transparently communicate the Avio Group’s sustainability strategies for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance.
- the main policies practised by the company, the management models and the results achieved by the company in 2022 in relation to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) topics;
- the main risks identified, generated or suffered, in relation to the above topics and how they are managed;
- the main potential and actual positive and negative impacts.
The NFS includes fully consolidated data from the parent company (Avio S.p.A.) and its subsidiaries. The accounting process is annual and the NFS is subject to review, analysis and approval by the Board of Directors following a favourable opinion from the Sustainability Committee.
It is prepared in accordance with the “Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards” using the materiality or relevance principle as defined in the latest version of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
Avio considers its stakeholders to be among the company’s founding pillars.
That is why it has dedicated departments to pursue a proactive approach to the stakeholders it deals with, through acknowledging their needs and adopting diversified involvement practices oriented towards inclusion, transparency, fairness, attention to ethical, environmental and social aspects and consistency with the group’s business.
To identify strategic sustainability priorities, Avio updated its materiality analysis in 2022 with the aim of identifying material topics, i.e. those topics of economic, environmental, social and governance relevance to the group and its stakeholders that have a significant impact on the Company.
In 2023, Avio will continue to align its materiality analysis with the requirements of the new GRI Universal Standards, starting by identifying the positive and negative impacts linked to its business activities.
- Identification of the economic, social and environmental impacts of Avio’s business related to material times.
- Identification of priority stakeholders for the company’s business activities and relationships.
- Evaluation of the impacts identified through a Stakeholder Engagement process in order to assess their positive and negative significance for each material topic considered.
- Update of the Materiality Matrix 2023 by combining the survey responses.
- Approval of the 2023 Materiality Matrix by the Board of Directors, subject to the favourable opinion of the Sustainability Committee.
In 2021, the Avio Group drew up a Sustainability Policy, which outlines a concrete path for integrating sustainability into the business: in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda, the main goals on which it is based are the technology and innovation that form the core business of the Avio Group.
It focusses on topics in relation to which Avio can make a concrete and significant contribution to sustainable development to define specific lines of action that can help support and enhance the business.

Avio wants to distinguish itself as leader in technological development and innovation through cutting-edge products and services. Technological development aims to maximise the positive impact of the group’s activities in three dimensions related to the SDGs.
Among the goals on which the Sustainability Policy is based, in line with the SDGs, Avio aims above all for development of a cleaner space [SDG 9], to greater observation of the Earth for sustainable development [SDGs 13 and 15] and support of life in space [SDG 17]
The most significant and relevant initiatives on Gender Inclusion include membership of the Valore D association, The first corporate association promoting gender balance and an inclusive culture to foster companies and country growth. Avio also organised the ‘AVIO4WOMEN’ event for the growth and empowerment of women in AVIO.
In terms of occupational health and safety and prevention of major environmental incidents, Avio complies with current regulations in order to protect and ensure a safe working environment and business continuity.
Avio wants to become a major contributor internationally to space debris removal missions, the presence of which is potentially dangerous because it increases the likelihood of collisions with satellites.
Satellite technology is crucial for observing planet Earth: of the satellites that are in geostationary orbit, 27% collect data needed for a variety of purposes, including food security of endangered areas, observing changes in ecosystems, mapping the effects of climate change, etc.
Avio undertakes to contribute to the combating corruption through practices and policies that implement a culture of transparency and anti-corruption.
Avio aspires to become a reference interlocutor for promoting a paradigm of open innovation, which serves to maximise synergies with satellite manufacturers and research centres for the development of Earth observation technologies. In addition, it has co-signed the “Statement for a Responsible Space Sector” with other industrialists and representatives of the European Space Community (2022), which aims to provide a basis for sustainable development of the space sector and increase the contribution of space activities for the benefit of society.
Avio aims to create a better tomorrow that is more sustainable for future generations. That is why it decided to take inspiration from the United Nations’ 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals, continuing on its path towards sustainable progress by adopting an integrated strategy capable of combining environmental, social and governance protection with healthy economic growth.
In its business model, Avio considers sustainability to be a fundamental principle that contributes to the definition of the group’s strategic and operational choices and guarantees, in the long term, growth consistent with the principles of respect for the environment, appreciating people, and positive interaction with the surroundings and communities in which it operates.